The Sedos production group is a resource for our production teams to ask for help, support and guidance with all things related to putting on a show.

We have membership from across the range of different production roles and experiences, including lighting, sound, and set designers, directors, costumiers, and scenic carpenters.

This is also the first port of call for productions to find new team members and ask for involvement in set build days, get-ins and get-outs.

The production group meets regularly to discuss how current productions are going, any common issues that could be fixed by sharing knowledge, by making improvements in our environment or to our facilities.

The production group has a WhatsApp group where call-outs for team members are posted, as well as information about upcoming build days, get-ins and get-outs. To join the WhatsApp group or for further information about any aspect of getting involved with Sedos behind the scenes, please email

Our 2016 production of London Road