Sedos values

Friday, 16 December 2022

Over the past 18 months, the trustees have been working on a set of values to help guide the society’s decision making, how we behave and interact with each other, and how we represent ourselves to the London theatre community and beyond - both as a reflection of who Sedos are, and who we aspire to be.

During this time, there have been numerous workshops and focus groups to glean information from all walks of our society to ensure that the values resonated with everyone: from management committee to casts, from backstage teams to audiences, from trustees to members.

So, without further ado, we would like to unveil our Sedos values to you all as an early Christmas present (some might say a Christmas miracle!)

  • We want our people to feel supported and at home, to be included and treated fairly.
  • We want our people to feel empowered, giving them the platforms and the tools to be bold, take risks, and innovate.
  • We want to be ambitious in our pursuit of creating high quality theatre, and our desire to continuously improve as a society.

So there you have it! We have lots planned over the coming months and beyond to help share and embed the values, so stay on the lookout for more updates in the new year.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who played a part and contributed towards this work. We intend to continue taking feedback on board as we go, so please feel free to share any thoughts or feelings with us at

We hope that these values will give our society a clear focus, foundation and common goal to drive the right culture for us all to be at our best.

Sedos values

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