8 May 2024

Sedos has been given the opportunity to take a show to the Minack in 2025. We are running a mini pitch process to gather possible titles we can take for a week by the sea in Cornwall.

The Minack is a spectacular open-air theatre in Porthcurno, Cornwall, where Sedos was lucky enough to be invited to perform in 2019, presenting A Swell Party. Groups have performed shows such as Kipps, Sister Act, Sunset Boulevard, and Jesus Christ, Superstar at the Minack, among others. A full list of past shows that audiences come from far and wide to attend can be found on the Minack’s website.

We are looking for submissions of a musical or play suitable to be performed in this stunning location - pitches can be sent using this form. The Minack is completely exposed to the elements (short of a marquee that a band can be placed in) – it is not uncommon for wind, rain, and sun to all be seen over the course of a week – and it is very rare that a show will be called off because of the weather. This should be taken into consideration with shows that you pitch and their suitability.

The access to the stage is via some very steep steps that don't go in a straight line - and this will limit choices teams have for set. We would highly suggest picking something you think can take advantage of the Minack's location and requires little in the way of set (think enhancing what is already present). If you choose to pick something with large requirements expect us to ask for a detailed plan.

Our slot is from 28 June to 3 July 2025 – with six performances including two matinees. The team (and cast) are on site in Cornwall over these dates. Note that Sedos will not pay expenses for accommodation or travel for participants.

Pitch submissions will be evaluated by the committee, who will pick three titles to discuss with the Minack before the eventual show is selected.

Due to the 2025 season dates at the Bridewell (full pitch process to be announced in due course) there is also the opportunity to combine the Minack performance with a run in London the week after (6-12 July 2025). This is optional and we welcome applications for the Minack slot regardless of whether you would like to perform the show in the Bridewell afterwards.

At this early stage, it is okay for some sections of the pitch form to be incomplete or not fully formed. There will be opportunities at later stages to expand upon this initial pitch form. If you have any questions please reach out to the pitches team on pitches@sedos.co.uk

The form will close on Sunday 26 May 2024 at 1pm.

Pitch form

Happy pitching!

2025 Sedos Minack show

Sedos’ 2019 production of A Swell Party at the Minack

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