24 May 2024

Thank you to everyone who attended the Sedos Annual General Meeting last night in the Passmore Edwards room at the St Bride’s Institute. It was fantastic to see so many enthusiastic people interested in the future of the society and to have the opportunity to reflect on all the great things that have been achieved in 2023/24 as well as looking forward to 2024/25 – we’ve an exciting year ahead!

Highlights of the AGM included being recognised four times in the National Operatic and Dramatic Association (NODA) district awards for 2024. There was also an update on our current finances; ‘Project Zero’ (our strategy of working towards the goal of a break-even budget by the end of the 2025); diversity reporting; and our ongoing search for a new permanent rehearsal and storage home.

Members had a chance to ask questions about areas such as budgets, pitching and the society’s diversity and inclusion strategy and it was fantastic to see people show a passionate interest in the future of Sedos.

Many thanks to Sara Rajeswaran who stepped down from the Board of Trustees and Jacob Hajjar, Olivia Perrett, Mark Siddall, Sam Sugarman and Henry Whittaker from the Management Committee at the AGM or earlier this year - your contribution and hard work is very much appreciated!

We confirmed the appointment of Pippa Kyle as a Sedos Trustee and re-elected Paul Caira, Tess Robinson and Tim Garrad as members of the Management Committee as well as confirming the election of Emma Miller, George Langdown, Sam Ferguson, Sorrel Brown and Thomas Riggs as new members of that group.

We are delighted to announce the new line-up for the 2024/25 year ahead:

Board of Trustees:

Jack Brown
Nick Dore
Matt Gould
Adrian Hau (chair of Management Committee, co-opted position)
Pippa Kyle (elected)
Daniel Saunders
Graham White

Management Committee:

Karen Braganza
Sorrel Brown (elected)
Paul Caira (re-appointed)
Adam Coppard
Sam Ferguson (elected)
Tim Garrad (re-appointed)
Ruth Granton
Adrian Hau (chair)
George Langdown (elected)
Olly Levett
Emma Miller (elected)
Thomas Riggs (elected)
Tess Robinson (re-appointed)

Trustees and members of the Management Committee have staggered terms so everyone does not finish their term simultaneously, hence why some of those listed above are neither re-elected nor new - their terms did not expire at this AGM.

Sedos is run by enthusiastic volunteers and a huge thank you was given to everyone who keeps the society running - from box office and front of house support to backstage and workshop organisers, plus marketing and communications.

If you were unable to attend the 2024 Sedos AGM or want a reminder of the accounts and annual return, you can find those documents here.

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